Oh Yes, We’re “Going There”: Ted Cruz Pronounces Trump Won’t Win The GOP Nomination – Does His Confidence Come From His Possibly Being A Stealth Candidate For Those Sneaky Globalists?

Written by Karen Colasinski for Media Mass Deception


GOP Candidate Ted Cruz seems to be making an initial move against Donald Trump as of this week (see Ted Cruz Sees Donald Trump’s Fan Base Coming His Way. To hear what Cruz said about Trump not winning, go here: https://soundcloud.com/wabc-rita-cosby/ted-cruz-interviewed-by-wabc-radio-host-rita-cosby-100815). I know there are many Cruz supporters. I don’t happen to be one of them. I hope those of you who are thinking a Trump/Cruz ticket might consider this compilation of Cruz info. It feels to me that Cruz is committing his own form of Taqiyya by acting the Constitutionalist while being a stealth candidate for the globalists. (Interesting to note that, unlike most conservative candidates, Ted Cruz was FOR Obamatrade / TPA / until recently, before suddenly reneging his support. Hmmmm…  http://bit.ly/1N5K8UH)

His wife, Heidi, was a managing director for Goldman Sachs until 2011 and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. The same Goldman Sachs that’s entrenched in nearly all things financial, including causes of the Bush’s and Clinton’s. And that includes the George Soros’ “Center for American Progress” – Read ‘A Pit of Vipers; also, his wife’ http://politi.co/1VLcJWB

If Heidi Cruz has had a change of heart about any of the activities of these associations she should AT LEAST have the integrity and courage to address the public’s concerns. And Ted Cruz needs to DENOUNCE every single element of support he’s given in the past to ANYTHING turning the US into a “part of a North American Union”. Read more about Heidi Cruz’s globalist connections, here: http://www.wnd.com/2015/03/ted-cruz-again-battles-globalist-charge-against-wife/ and Ted Cruz’s excuses about it all here: http://www.politico.com/blogs/ben-smith/2011/10/a-pit-of-vipers-also-his-wife-040327

That said – why the hell is a SUPER PAC tied to HIM giving FIORINA $500K?!

And then there’s the issue of eligibility. Sigh. I KNOW it needs to work its way openly through the legal system like wasn’t allowed with Obama. But BOTH Cruz and Obama were born to American mothers and NON-American fathers. Obama’s would’ve stayed here at least for awhile had his school visa renewal not been rejected and he had to go home. Cruz’s dad didn’t bother to become a US citizen until 2005.

Doesn’t that make both Cruz and Obama “anchor babies”?

Legal scholars have different views of the Constitutional intent but any related court cases that have set precedent refer to PARENTS in the plural. My point mainly is that IF Cruz were to be even a VP candidate what kind of chaos could be caused if it’s not settled? Does anyone think for a minute the Dems are going to have heard the hollering about Obama all these years but let a GOP candidate get a free pass on it?

Source links for what I’ve said above:


Don’t look at Goldman Sachs map unless you have a pot of coffee ready or a bottle of something:







6 thoughts on “Oh Yes, We’re “Going There”: Ted Cruz Pronounces Trump Won’t Win The GOP Nomination – Does His Confidence Come From His Possibly Being A Stealth Candidate For Those Sneaky Globalists?

  1. Well for one thing that 14th Amendment for sure needs clarifying and anchor babies should no be allowed to become citizens. The only anchor baby is rubio since neither of his parents were citizens until 4 yrs after his birth, therefore Rubio was a citizen of Cuba. Jindal and Cruz mothers were both legal citizens which makes them NBC. The debate over ostupid was where was he born and until somebody trustworthy is allowed to go into the vault in Hawaii and examine the actual records that is still a mystery since that was a phony BC he presented.

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  2. Ted was obviously ordered by the GOP establishment to hand over a half a million bucks to his supposed competitor Carly Fiorina… id say he’s DEFINITELY a stealth candidate for someone.

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